
By Andy Mulligan
Location: FIC MUL
Genre: Young Adult contemporary thriller with a few laughs and a crack at the addictive food industry!

"For those who wanna win!"

From the award-winning author of TRASH comes an action-packed thriller full of danger, hilarity and - above all - friendship.

LIQUIDATOR! The brand-new, delicious and wildly popular energy drink. "For those who wanna win!" The company that makes it is set to earn a fortune, with its global launch climaxing at an international rock concert that will SHAKE the planet. The only problem?An innocent child is dying. Meet Vicky and her class-mates - their work experience is about to spin totally out of control as they uncover a secret that could change the world. And put them all in mortal danger ...

Liquidator is an amazing new sports drink that people just can’t resist drinking. It’s more addictive than Coca Cola and Coffee, and billed as being good for you! When a couple of kids stumble over the truth they discover files that contain details of a very sick child in Africa called Jamie who was part of a trial for the drink in Kenya and his life is now in danger after consuming nearly 500 drinks.  As Vicki and Ben investigate this thee find themselves facing life and death situations, and not just for themselves.
Once the Liquidator company realises the files are in the possession of the young friends, they set the dogs on them, with a sinister black-clad pursuit team relentlessly chasing the group all over England.


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